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Konsta UI comes with handy useTheme hook to detect currently active theme (ios or material) set by App component or KonstaProvider.

<!-- App.svelte -->
  import { App } from 'konsta/svelte';
  import HomePage from './path/to/HomePage.svelte';

<!-- set theme on App component -->
<App theme="ios">
  <HomePage />
<!-- HomePage.svelte -->
  import { useTheme, Page } from 'konsta/svelte';

  let theme;
  theme = useTheme((newValue) => {
    // to keep it reactive, update value on theme update in parent components
    theme = newValue;

  console.log(theme); // -> 'ios'

  <p>Theme is {theme === 'ios' ? 'iOS' : 'Material'}</p>
Code licensed under MIT.
2022 © Konsta UI by nolimits4web.