Popup Svelte Component

Popup is a popup window with any HTML content that pops up over App's main content. Popup as all other overlays is part of so called "Temporary Views".

There are following components included:

  • Popup - popup element

Enables Popup backdrop (dark semi transparent layer behind)


Object with Tailwind CSS colors classes

colors.bgstring'bg-white dark:bg-black'

Popup bg color


Allows to open/close Popup and set its initial state

sizestring'w-screen h-screen md:w-160 md:h-160'

Tailwind CSS size classes


Click handler on backdrop element


import {
} from 'konsta/svelte';
let popupOpened = false;
<Navbar title="Popup" />
<Block strong class="space-y-4">
Popup is a modal window with any HTML content that pops up over App's main
content. Popup as all other overlays is part of so called "Temporary
<Button onClick={() => (popupOpened = true)}>Open Popup</Button>
<Popup opened={popupOpened} onBackdropClick={() => (popupOpened = false)}>
<Navbar title="Popup">
<Link slot="right" navbar onClick={() => (popupOpened = false)}>
<Block class="space-y-4">
Here comes popup. You can put here anything, even independent view
with its own navigation. Also not, that by default popup looks a bit
different on iPhone/iPod and iPad, on iPhone it is fullscreen.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse
faucibus mauris leo, eu bibendum neque congue non. Ut leo mauris,
eleifend eu commodo a, egestas ac urna. Maecenas in lacus faucibus,
viverra ipsum pulvinar, molestie arcu. Etiam lacinia venenatis
dignissim. Suspendisse non nisl semper tellus malesuada suscipit eu et
eros. Nulla eu enim quis quam elementum vulputate. Mauris ornare
consequat nunc viverra pellentesque. Aenean semper eu massa sit amet
aliquam. Integer et neque sed libero mollis elementum at vitae ligula.
Vestibulum pharetra sed libero sed porttitor. Suspendisse a faucibus
Duis ut mauris sollicitudin, venenatis nisi sed, luctus ligula.
Phasellus blandit nisl ut lorem semper pharetra. Nullam tortor nibh,
suscipit in consequat vel, feugiat sed quam. Nam risus libero, auctor
vel tristique ac, malesuada ut ante. Sed molestie, est in eleifend
sagittis, leo tortor ullamcorper erat, at vulputate eros sapien nec
libero. Mauris dapibus laoreet nibh quis bibendum. Fusce dolor sem,
suscipit in iaculis id, pharetra at urna. Pellentesque tempor congue
massa quis faucibus. Vestibulum nunc eros, convallis blandit dui sit
amet, gravida adipiscing libero.
Code licensed under MIT.
2022 © Konsta UI by nolimits4web.