Searchbar allows user to search through List View elements. Or it can be used as a visual UI component for your custom search realization.
There are following components included:
Name | Type | Default | Description |
clearButton | boolean | true | Adds input clear button |
colors | object | Object with Tailwind CSS colors classes | |
colors.inputBgIos | string | '' | |
colors.inputBgMaterial | string | 'bg-md-light-secondary-container dark:bg-md-dark-secondary-container' | |
colors.placeholderIos | string | '' | |
colors.placeholderMaterial | string | 'placeholder-md-light-on-surface-variant dark:placeholder-md-dark-on-surface-variant' | |
component | string | 'div' | Component's HTML Element |
disableButton | boolean | false | Adds button for cancel search and set its initial state |
disableButtonText | string | 'Cancel' | Disable button text |
inputId | string | Input id attribute | |
inputStyle | CSSProperties | Additional input classes | |
placeholder | string | number | 'Search' | Searchbar placeholder |
value | any | Searchbar value |
Name | Type | Description |
blur | function(e) |
change | function(e) |
clear | function(e) | Fired on clear button click |
disable | function(e) | Fired on searchbar disable |
focus | function(e) |
input | function(e) |
<template><k-page><k-navbar title="Searchbar"><template #subnavbar><k-searchbar:value="searchQuery"disable-buttondisable-button-text="Cancel"@clear="handleClear"@disable="handleDisable"@input="handleSearch"></k-searchbar></template></k-navbar><k-list strong inset-material outline-ios><k-list-item v-if="filteredItems.length === 0" title="Nothing found" /><k-list-itemv-for="item in filteredItems":key="item.title":title="item.title"/></k-list></k-page></template><script>import { ref, watch } from 'vue';import {kPage,kNavbar,kNavbarBackLink,kSearchbar,kList,kListItem,} from 'konsta/vue';const items = [{ title: 'FC Ajax' },{ title: 'FC Arsenal' },{ title: 'FC Athletic' },{ title: 'FC Barcelona' },{ title: 'FC Bayern München' },{ title: 'FC Bordeaux' },{ title: 'FC Borussia Dortmund' },{ title: 'FC Chelsea' },{ title: 'FC Galatasaray' },{ title: 'FC Juventus' },{ title: 'FC Liverpool' },{ title: 'FC Manchester City' },{ title: 'FC Manchester United' },{ title: 'FC Paris Saint-Germain' },{ title: 'FC Real Madrid' },{ title: 'FC Tottenham Hotspur' },{ title: 'FC Valencia' },{ title: 'FC West Ham United' },];export default {components: {kPage,kNavbar,kNavbarBackLink,kSearchbar,kList,kListItem,},setup() {const searchQuery = ref('');const handleSearch = (e) => {searchQuery.value =;};const handleClear = () => {searchQuery.value = '';};const handleDisable = () => {console.log('Disable');};const filteredItems = ref(items);watch(searchQuery, () => {filteredItems.value = searchQuery.value? items.filter((item) =>item.title.toLowerCase().includes(searchQuery.value.toLowerCase())): items;});return {searchQuery,filteredItems,handleSearch,handleClear,handleDisable,};},};</script>